


No matter what kind of meterials of your weapons, always assume your weapons suck. This picture is a bad example that you should never use the blade to catch or defense. Please make this rule as your instinct.



And this is why, this still counts fortunate for it's not broken yet.



Instead of Blade-To-Blade contact(you enemy might use MD, or something else like Axes, Maces, or Long Spears), MD user'd use the back to knock & bounce out enemy's weapon as left pic, or tilt down the tip to form a steep slope, let the body contact


The principle is to recieve as less impact as possible, otherwise your enemy'd use the fulcrum & response back to you very quickly.




This is one of the two-men fundamental training in MD's Section 1: "Forehand Gua(Hanging Up) + Chopping". You need to drop the tip down & form a steep slope, therefore enemy's chopping won't efficiently impact your weapon. Walking on a clockwise circular path will help to reduce enemy's power also.

"Gua(Hanging Up)" is one of the major defensive techniques in Sabers.




This is "Backhand Gua(Hanging Up) + Chopping". Walking on a countter-clockwise circular path will be easier to resolve the power.

Either Forehand Gua or Backhand Gua, the trick is sensing your internal coordination: As if you were using a shield to eliminate your enemy's force. In both demos all of our members can reach this requirement.


As we mentioned in previous articles, Miao Dao contains the techniques of Saber's, Spear's & Swords. Saber's movements tend to be big circular paths, and twisting the axles & thrusting out are the major methods in spears and swords, for either defense or offense.

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This is one of the major techniques in Spear: Black Bird/Black Hawk. As seen from left to right, after you twist the axle of the long spear(it's the front hand counts), in the end your palm faces down and Opisthenar(the back of the hand) faces up, is called Black Bird. 

It's because the back of hands are tanning color comparing to palms, and they think the frontal hand looks like a bird(which I don't think so).

Then why don't we name those twisting direction as clockwise/counter-clockwise? It'll be very compicated to describe the situation if you switch left/right hands in applications. Beside, there's no clock hundreds years ago in China.



There are axles twisting moves in sword as Stirring also. If it ends up as opisthenar facing up, then it's Black Bird, too.

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Hence White Bird/White Hawk means the Palm facing up in the end of axles twisting move. This applies to spear, sword or MD.


The concept of Black Bird/White Bird can also applied to bared-hand kung-fu: In Yang's Tai-Chi, "Ban Lan Chui" is white bird+black bird+punch. In Pi-Gua Palm basic 4 "Cutting, Hugging, Stretching, Striking", Cutting & Hugging are Sabers' techniques as vertical and horizontal circle. Stretching is Black Bird, Striking is White Bird.


This is the 3rd 2 Men Loop-Practice "Ti (Lifting Up) + Pi (Chopping)", the path from Ti to Pi is Black Bird.


Ti & Gua look very alike, the differences are Gua let go the structure & make the force sliding down itself, but Ti remains the structure by your whole body, to guide the force going to a certain direction you want it to go, as if there were a hook on your weapon.

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Pi's(Chopping) power is like the Cutting Punch(Pi) in Xing-Yi system, also like the Crushing Face Palm in the form of "Li-Pi" in Praying Mantis.

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The very moment when your blade gonna land of the object, you have to lock & twist your arms and hands tightly, as you dry up a wet towel. This technique can sharpen your impact. The trick applies in thrusting also.


Here I demo the same 2 men loop-practice of "Ti + Pi". I use my weight center(Dan-Tian) to press forward & withdraw backward, not by arms. You can see my weapon's tip always occupy the inner circle and the other tip was guided onto outer circle. This means I get higher-hand.


It's not because I have greater power to win, but I take advantage from "Leverage Principle", which let me efficiently adding power to enemy & eliminate his coming force.



There is an important concept in weapons fighting, specially the axles-stirring type techniques: The length of the weapon can be divided into 3 area. The 1/3 area close to handle called "Root/(R)", the middle area called "Waist/(W)", and the 1/3 area close to tip called "Head/(H)"


If the contact point/fulcrum is on my Root area, my leverage arm is shorter(closer to my front hand), so it's saving power for me. If the contact point/fulcrum is on my Head area, my leverage arm is longer(far away from my front hand), then I need to waist more strength to make the same effect.



Except your own basic King-Fu ability, you need to have the "Ting-Jin"(Sense the Power), the Wholistic body coordination to your weapon, the principle of leverage offer you a lot of advantage in Stirring Techniques(including Black Bird/White Bird).

From left to right in this picture: Left side is about to resolve power or change side, firstly Waist to Waist, then Root to Head, finally Waist to Waist.

所以請您再翻回去看前面我所貼的兩個影片,兩位學員對練的「Ti + Pi (1/2)」,兩個人的竹劍,接觸始終是腰對腰,所以在攻佔內圓上看起來很吃力。而我所演練的「Ti + Pi(2/2)」,我可以很輕鬆地佔到內圓而不怎麼費力,是因為我的接觸支點,一直是滑動的

Please go back to the 2 demos I posted previously: In "Ti + Pi(1/2)", those 2 members' contact point/fulcrum is always Waist to Waist, this makes them wasting strength to Lift & Chop. However in my demo "Ti + Pi(2/2)", I actively slide my contact point/fulcrum to have inner circle very easy.


This is the last 2 men loop-practice of MD section 1 "Stirring + Thrusting". You can see their contact points/fulcrums are sliding, and it's much smoother.


Theoretically, beginner should use "Root to Head" to reduce power or change side by withdrawing steps, then "Waist to Head" to take leverage advantage, because it build up their confidence in both physically & psychologically. After they are proficiently, they need to progress to "Waist to Root" then "Waist to Waist", this will shorten the sliding length & act faster.


If you do not know this trick, you might meet a master who seems to use "Waist to Waist" directly, actually he'd just shorten the distance & move quickly before you'd observe.


At the end of this article, the demo is our young & talented assistant coach Mr. Kendu to show you the 2 men MD Sec. 1 form, which is designed by myself. We just finish this 2 men set today, please pardon our unproficiency.

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