“Miao-Dao”(will be called MD for convenience)was named for its shape: it looks like rice leaves(Miao) therefore the name(Dao means Saber). “Miao” also means a rare race in South-Western Mainland China,some Chinese users might make mistake easily that MD came from them.
MD & its martial art form were created from Genreal Qi, Ji-Guang(Qi pronouces as Chi, 1528-1588). He was assigned to eliminate the pirates(mostly were Japanese Ronin, some from Taiwan or China itself) from East China Sea. He found the standard military weapons like long spears, swords & sabers were not useful, either too long/short, or the materials too fragile to combat Japanese Katana.
From the attached picture, you can see Katana is not only a piece of steel. The best Katana contains 7 layers and 3 different steels inside, this design offers both chopping and striking functions for battles. Comparing to a good Katana, the ordinary Chinese and western swords/sabers are really toys.
Meanwhile, Genral Qi occasionally got the secret Japanese Kendo scroll “Kage-Ryu’s Sword”(Sword System of the Shadow),which was developed into a famous and major Kendo system in Japan: Yagyu’s ShinKage-Ryu(Yagyu’s New Sword System of Shadow). Even the famous Japanese Master Miyamoto Musashi, aka “The Saint of the Sword”, dare not to challenge Yagyu’s family.
General Qi analyzed the secret scroll & considered the weakness of their poor materials, also you don’t have long time to train a troop to combat. Finally developed the shape of MD, also the prototype form.
In order to compete the higher hands of Japanese Ronin’s higher Kung-Fu & higher quality katana, there were 3 things specially designed by General Qi for those short-period training troops: Heavier& Thickers MD body to endure chopping, Longer handle & body to create leverage advantage, & the unique methods in MD’s form.
Additionally, there is a little difference of Japanese Katana & Chinese Miao-Dao: The standard one-bladed weapons(including saber & MD) design in Ming Dynasty has the blood-letting ditch on the body as modern bayonets. This is for losing enemies' blood immediately and causing severe damage.
When you practice the form & skills of MD, you have to assume “your weapon sucks, much worse than your enemy’s”. That’s why the hard chopping & resist are not shown in MD’s form, otherwise they can chop off your weapon and you easily.
However, thanks to the original idea, we can apply the form of MD on any stripped-shape object: such as broom, umbrella,cane, plastic pipe…etc. Because MD’s spirit was designed to compete a much stronger weapon.
At the end of this article, I'd like to introduce you a Japanese Animation called "Sword from the stranger". This fiction story happened in 16th century during Chinese Ming Dynasty and Japanese Civil War time. The red dress and golden hair guy is the head of Chinese secret agents, who carried the Miao-Dao and tried to complete a secret assassin in Japan.